To use our LSP computation service LSP Genie, you need to buy LSP Genie Tokens. Tokens are sold in blocks for the calculation of 10 staffers. So if you have 8 employees, you need to purchase 1 block. If you have 60 employees, you have to purchase 6 blocks.

Each block contains 20 tokens. After you made your first purchase, you are given 10 additional tokens for your trial run before doing your calculations for a large number of staffers.

Each token is good for one calculation of one staffer. So if you make a mistake in your first calculation, you can do a calculation again without trouble. In case run out of tokens due to making further mistakes, please contact us for handling.

The first block of tokens costs HK$3,000. Blocks beyond the first block are set at a lower price at HK$2,000.

Buy your tokens by selecting your staff size below: